About us


AKA Karma Points

 About us

We are three Melbourne girls who have been friends for nearly three decades. During 2020 as our state in Australia was facing another lockdown (as many countries around the world faced), we decided to launch a podcast. 

Our podcast premise is simple, we have a few wines, have a chat about some random topics and hilarity naturally follows. 

Join us on our journey and you too might pick up a piece of information which you may find interesting. Whether the information is correct or not is entirely up to you (we don't research very well and say it frequently during our episodes). 

If you would like to get in touch with us please email us at  fridaynightwinefight@gmail.com

Here is a picture of us taken a few years ago if you need a visual image when you listen to us. Pictured left to right - Bianca, Amy and Sarah. 

Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic