Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic

This week the girls take aim at the incredible story of Mr Jeffrey Deskovic... 

But first, what were we drinking?

At the time we were doing the interview it was 4am our time so forgive us, we did not have our standard beverages in hand. 

Bianca was drinking coffee but it could have been wine

In this very special episode of Friday Night Wine Fight Amy and Bianca interviewed Mr. Jeffrey Deskovic, a man who was wrongly convicted of a brutal rape and murder of a 15-year-old classmate. 

Jeff was convicted of this horrendous crime when he was only 17 years old in 1990. Here are some pictures kindly supplied by Jeff of his sentencing and time in prison.

After 16 years behind bars, Jeff managed to have his conviction overturned with the help of some dedicated supporters. After leaving prison Jeff struggled to re-integrate back into society and searched for a way to help others.

Jeff completed his law degree and started the Deskovic Foundation to help those wrongly incarcerated. 

We were so very honored to speak to Jeff and hear about his incredible journey so far. 

You can find out more about how you can support Jeff's work by visiting his foundation's webpage at the 
Deskovic Foundation.

Jeff also helped bring to life a card game that aims to help those who have been incarcerated talk to people closest to them about what they are going through after their release. Please check out the Beyond the Bars Recharge game at Recharge the Game

Jeff's story will astound you and will leave you thinking "it could have happened to me..."

AKA Karma Points

Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic