Round 69 - Hey Watch This Movie the Disney + Edition

 This week the girls take aim at Hey Watch This Movie the Disney + Edition... 

Last year we had this great idea for a topic where we would each pick a movie for one of our other co-hosts (which they have not seen) and make them watch it. In 2022 we decided to do another round of this game but this time we focused on movies available on Disney +. 

But first, what were we drinking?

Amy was drinking R Paulazzo La Provincia Rosé

Available from Naked wines

Sarah was drinking Pepsi

Available from everywhere

Bianca was drinking Blossom Rosé sparkling cider

Available from Dan Murphys

Amy was very scared this week because Sarah was in charge of picking a movie for her to watch. However, Amy was in luck when Sarah told her to watch Darby O'Gill and the Little People. 

The movie was released in 1959 and is about a groundskeeper named Darby and his encounters with the local leprechauns, mainly King Brian. 

Amy actually enjoyed this movie much to her surprise! Much of that had to do with a young Sean Connery being cast in this movie. 

*correction - Amy said it wasn't a Disney movie when it was made and was later acquired by Disney. This picture proves she was very wrong about that!

Sarah was assigned to watch Down Periscope by Bianca. The movie stars Kelsey Grammer as Luitenant Commander Tom Dodge as well as some very recognisable actors from the 90s.

This movie was released in 1996 and as Sarah noted was "sufficiently funny". Amy and Bianca have both seen this movie many times and the three of them discussed their favourite parts of the movie. 

Bianca finished us off by discussing the movie she was tasked to watch being Alien vs Predator. This movie was released in 2004 and it came as quite a shock to Sarah and Amy that Bianca had not seen this movie despite seeing both the Aliens and the Predator movies.

Bianca thoroughly enjoyed this movie and entertained us with an insight into her thoughts while watching the movie. It was literally Bianca reading her thought pattern while watching the movie. 

AKA Karma Points

Round 68- Let's talk about pets baby!

 This week the girls take aim at Pets... 

Pets, we like many around the world, love them. So tonight we decided to dedicate an episode to honour all pets, great and small.

But first, what were we drinking?

Sarah was drinking Pepsi (Again)

Available from All Shops

Amy was drinking Grounded Cru Pinot Gris

Available from Naked wines

Bianca was drinking Four Men And Dog Pinot Gris 

Available from Naked wines

Sarah jumps right into opening the week's topic with some of the more unusual products out there for your furry friends. These are things that you may have not known that you needed or things that lead you to think "why would you even think of making that?". Sarah picked a couple of these products to share with the girls and to get their opinions.

Pet Pram

Poop Trap

Dog O Matic

Pet Cameras 
Bonus Pics
Jin from BTS and his Glyders 

Puppy Sex Toy

Amy is an animal lover and although she has a distinct dislike for large birds, she was intrigued by those who choose to keep exotic pets. 

Amy discussed some statistics around exotic pet ownership before discussing Hexxie the 5-meter Burmese python owned by an English family and Agee the polar bear owned by a Canadian couple. 

Amy finished up by discussing some exotic pets who have been or are currently owned by famous celebrities. 

Hexxie the Burmese Python and her family

Agee the polar bear and her owners

Bianca ended the show in a different direction and just got drunk instead. She reminisced about her past pet birds and fish. She then told us about how she came to own her current pet cats and lovingly told us about her fur niece and nephew. 

Bianca ends the topic with some more celebrities that own or have owned some exotic pets. She also forgot about all the photos she promised. 

Sid Vicious II, Baby Mullet, Kitty Puss

AKA Karma Points

Round 67- Extraordinary Coincidences

 This week the girls take aim at Extraordinary Coincidences... 

Coincidences are statistically inevitable. However, when they occur we tend to react with shock and disbelief. We don't usually expect coincidences and will often read into these occurrences concluding there is something strange afoot. Tonight we take a look at some extraordinary coincidences that have occurred throughout history. 

But first, what were we drinking?

Bianca was drinking Rock it like a Redhead Sauvignon Blanc

Available from  Naked wines

Sarah was drinking nothing because the fun police got her

Amy was drinking Carpenter Rocks Pinot Gris

Available from  Naked wines

Bianca introduced tonight's topic by explaining our topic choice. A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another. 

From a statistical perspective, coincidences are inevitable and often less remarkable than they may appear intuitively. Usually, coincidences are chance events with underestimated probability. 

After explaining the Magic numbers of Dr. Matrix, Bianca invited Amy and Sarah to play a game of coincidence or conspiracy. You'll have to listen to see who won that one.

Sarah being the meat in the sandwich this week discussed two extraordinary coincidences. The first was the love story of Ester and Paul Grachan. The day Paul received a dollar bill with his girlfriend's name on it he put it down to coincidence. However, Esther believed that it was in fact a sign Paul was the one she was to marry.

Sarah then discussed the fate of a man called Richard Parker. Richard coincidently shared the same fate as a character in an Edgar Allen Poe novel. Strangely both the character in the novel and the real-life man shared the same name as well as their fate.    

Amy is often the resident "Captain Logic" and tends to dismiss many strange occurrences as coincidences. Tonight she was excited to tell our listeners the coincidences that plagued the son of Abraham Lincoln, Robert Lincoln. 

Firstly, Robert Lincoln, was either present or nearby for three presidential assassinations. After the third occurred it is said that Robert refused any further invitations by other presidents to attend events they would be present for as he believed that it was guaranteed to end in an assassination. 

A young Robert Lincoln was saved from bodily injury or even death at a train station by a man named Edwin Booth. Edwin's brother, John Wilkes Booth, would then go on to assassinate Robert's father, Abraham, years later. 

Edwin apparently told reporters at the time he did not know that the man he rescued at the train station that day and only found out later the man was the President's son. 

Amy concluded with a fun fact she didn't realize before which was despite the sun and the moon being different in size, they appear the same size from Earth. Bianca and Sarah collectively told Amy she was a moron for not figuring out why this is. 

AKA Karma Points

Round 66 - World's worst decisions

 This week the girls take aim at the World's Worst Decisions... 

Ever thought about a past decision you made and thought "if only I had have done that differently?". We all have. It's unlikely that you have made one of the world's worst decisions. Tonight we discuss some decisions made by people, which are considered the world's worst by the girls and critics alike. 

But first, what were we drinking?

Amy was drinking the Butterfly Effect Cabernet Merlot

Available from Naked wines

Bianca was drinking The Mechanic Shiraz

Sarah was drinking fun police approved water

Available from the tap

Amy opened tonight's discussion by explaining that with the benefit of hindsight we can all see where some things went completely wrong. It's easy to judge decisions made by people after it has become apparent that, for many reasons, were completely wrong. 

Amy then discussed two light-hearted bad decisions being the time Blockbuster could have purchased Netflix and the time an ocean explorer refused to stake his claim in the wreckage of the Titanic. 

The takeaway from this is to be sure to own your wreckage people!

Sarah firstly discussed John Sununu who served as the White House Chief of Staff in the United States of America under President George H Bush. Despite Mr Sununu being a well-educated man, he decided to take it upon himself to question the science of climate change although he had no real knowledge of the subject. This doubt cast on what is now accepted as fact and delayed the USA's response to the climate crisis. This delay in response caused damage that will be felt for years to come.

Sarah then discussed that time Scotland decided to invade England while England struggled with the Black Death outbreak. Poor Scotland, they were beaten in battle and took the Black Death home with them causing the deaths of thousands of their countrymen. 

Bianca finished off tonight's topic by discussing the 1950's Chinese movement titled the Great Leap Forward. In the 1950's China's population was rapidly outstripping the available resources and it was too poor to accumulate the resources it needed.

Then-president, Mao Zedong, decided to mobilize China's vast population and emphasize the use of manpower to boost China's economy. Unfortunately for the people of China, the Great Leap Forward was actually twenty steps backward as President Zedong had very little understanding of farming, the economy, and pretty much everything else. Sadly it is estimated that approximately thirty million Chinese people died due to President Zedong's poor decisions. 

AKA Karma Points

Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic