Round 10 - What are you doomsday prepping for?

This week the girls took aim at events people are doomsday prepping for!

Since the dawn of time, humans have been preparing for events that may or may not happen. In recent times they have been called doomsday preppers. Tonight we have a look at the different events people are doomsday prepping for. 

But first, what were we drinking?

Bianca was drinking Infamous Dodger - Fiano

Available from BWS

Sarah was drinking a mix of Banrock Station Pink Moscato and Brown Brothers Moscato and Sav just because 

Available from Dan Murphys

Amy was drinking Heresy Pinot Grigio

Available from Naked Wines

Bianca opened by explaining what doomsday prepping is, before launching into her segment of... Zombie Apocalypse and as it turns out the likelihood of this happening is Nil, BUT the CDC is still prepared!

Here are the acronyms used by preppers that were described in the episode...

Alpha strategy: The practice of storing extra consumable items, as a hedge against inflation, and for use in barter and charity. 

Ballistic wampum: Ammunition stored for barter purposes. 

BOB: Bug-out bag. A pack containing everything needed to leave your home and never return. Whether heading to a BOL, Retreat, MAG, MAC or Redoubt.

BOL: Bug-out location.

BOV: Bug-out vehicle.

Doomer: someone who believes in a Malthusian-scale social collapse. 
EDC: every day carry. What one carries at all times in case disaster strikes while one is out and about. Also refers to the normal carrying of a pistol for self-defence, or (as a noun) the pistol which is carried.

EOTW: End of the world

EROL: Excessive rule of law. Describes a situation where a government becomes oppressive and uses its powers and laws to control citizens.

Goblin: A criminal miscreant

Golden horde: The anticipated large mixed horde of refugees and looters that will pour out of the metropolitan regions WTSHTF.
G.O.O.D.: Get out of Dodge (city). Fleeing urban areas in the event of a disaster.
G.O.O.D. kit: Get out of Dodge kit. Synonymous with the bug-out bag (BOB).

I.N.C.H. pack: I'm Never Coming Home pack. (It is another name for a Bug Out Bag. often used by those trying to show that they are experts in the preparedness field.) A pack containing everything needed to walk out into the woods and never return to society. It is a heavy pack loaded with the gear needed to accomplish any wilderness task, from building shelter to gaining food, designed to allow someone to survive indefinitely in the woods. This requires skills as well as proper selection of equipment, as one can only carry so much. For example, instead of carrying food, one carries seeds, steel traps, a longbow, reel spinners, and other fishing gear.

Pollyanna or Polly: Someone who is in denial about the disruption that might be caused by the advent of a large-scale disaster.

or Polly Amy!

SHTF: Shit hits the fan

TEOTWAWKI: The end of the world as we know it. The expression is in use since at least the early 1960s  However, others claim the acronym may have been coined in 1996, in the Usenet newsgroup misc.survivalism.

Uncivilization: A generic term for a great catastrophe.

WROL: Without rule of law. Describes a potential lawless state of society.

YOYO: You're on your own.
Zombie: Unprepared, incidental survivors of a prepped-for disaster, "who feed on... the preparations of others”

ZOMPOC: Zombie apocalypse: Used by some preppers as a tongue-in-cheek metaphor for any natural or man-made disaster and "a clever way of drawing people’s attention to disaster preparedness".The premise of the Zombie Squad is that "if you are prepared for a scenario where the walking corpses of your family and neighbours are trying to eat you alive, you will be prepared for almost anything." Though "there are some... who are seriously preparing for a zombie attack".

Sarah talks about how to prepare for a global economical crisis and also yells at Amy and Bianca for interrupting (it's hilarious!).   

Amy as per usual took a look at the bizarre. Amy looked at the event called the Nibiru Cataclysm where a mysterious planet (its existence is denied by governments and scientists) will collide with earth.

AKA Karma Points

Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic