Round 34 - Underrated Movies

This week the girls take aim at underrated movies... 

For every movie's success and failure, there is a movie that goes under the radar. Some people's underrated movies are polarising so have a listen to which three movies the girls decided should have the title of underrated classic.....

But first, what were we drinking?

Sarah was drinking Summersby Blackberry Cider

Available from Dan Murphy's

Amy was drinking Feet on the ground Pinot Grigio

Available from Naked wines

Bianca was drinking Hendrick's Midsummer Solstice Gin  

Available from Dan Murphys

Sarah opens with the night's topic of Underrated Movies which are movies that you may love but others just don't feel the same. She then moved onto on of her favorite movies, Meet the Robinsons. It's a beautifully done Disney movie that didn't get the recognition it deserved.

Amy's movie choice tonight was the epic slightly comic book-esk tale of Scott Pilgrim vs the world.

To say this movie tanked at the box office would be an understatement. However, it has since gained a cult following and has even racked up a few awards. In summary, this movie is about a 20 something guy who has decided to pursue a new romantic interest (even though he has a girlfriend at the time) and finds out he has to defeat her 7 evil ex's in order to date her. 

The movie also has a musical undertone as our hero, Scott Pilgrim, plays in a fairly average garage band.

If you have not seen this movie do it now!

Bianca's movie tonight is The Adventures of Ford Fairlane Rock and Roll Detective.

Here's a brief synopsis as this movie is too good to give too much away. Like seriously fuck all the haters on every review site ever.

To the Los Angeles elite, Ford Fairlane is known as "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll Detective." This loudmouthed ladies' man serves an exclusive rock star clientele, who depend on his keen eye and smug discretion. So when a heavy-metal musician dies mid-concert, Fairlane is on the case before the lights come up. But things turn shocking when radio personality Johnny Crunch hires Fairlane to find a missing groupie mere hours before he is electrocuted live on air.

The cast is amazing!

Andrew Dice Clay as Ford Fairlane

Wayne Newton as Julian Grendel

Priscilla Presley as Colleen Sutton

Lauren Holly as Jazz (fords assistant)

Brandon Call as The Kid

Maddie Corman as Zuzu Petals

David Patrick Kelly as Sam the Sleaze Bag

Morris Day as Don Cleveland

Robert Englund as Smiley

Ed O'Neill as Lt. Amos (or as Ford calls him Lt Anus)

Gilbert Gottfried as Johnny Crunch

Vince Neil as Bobby Black

William Shockley and M. Russell Zulke as Punk Gunslingers

Steve White as Detective Benny

Kari Wuhrer as Melodi

Cody Jarrett as Kyle Troy

Sheila E. as Club Singer

Lala as Sorority Girl

Delia Sheppard as Josie

Tone-Loc as Slam

Kurt Loder as Himself

But the real reason this movie is so fucking good is all the one-liners, so here's some of the best:

Ford Fairlane:

I could've been a rock singer if only I hadn't been banned from MTV. Long story. But anyway, I only know that one song. Well, I do a mean "Puff the Magic Dragon," but only in the nude. Longer story.

Don Cleveland:

You got to shave before you leave the house in a dress like that... and I don't mean your legs.

Ford Fairlane:

Have a twinkie, snapperhead.

Lt. Amos:

Are you calling me an asshole, asshole?

Ford Fairlane:

No, I'm calling you an anus, anus.

Lt. Amos:

Two words. "Disco Express."

Ford Fairlane:

Disco Express? They blew dog. And that lead singer, he kinda looked like...

Lt. Amos:

Like ME, right?

Ford Fairlane:

Yeah. I was gonna say he looked like shit, but... he looked like you.

Ford Fairlane:

Hey, great pipes, huh? I've heard cats f*** with more harmony.

Ford Fairlane:

What are your names, Neil and Bob, or is that like what you do?

Ford Fairlane:

You're 10 seconds away from the most embarrassing moment in your life.

Ford Fairlane:

So many assholes... So few bullets...

Ford Fairlane:

Clint Eastwood... I f***ed 'im.

Ford Fairlane:

Conversation with Zuzu Petals was like masturbating with a cheese grater: slightly amusing, but mostly painful.

Ford Fairlane:

Here's to you, Johnny. Sucking my dick. 

Johnny Crunch:

Suzuki Samurai, you Bensonhurst piece of shit.

Ford Fairlane:

I coulda been a fisherman. Fishermen, they get up, they fish, they sell fish, they smell fish. Reminds me of this girl I used to go with, Yvonne, she smelled like fish.

Ford Fairlane:

What... you didn't really think we'd kill the f***in' koala bear, now did ya?

Ford Fairlane:

I'm so terrific I have my own toll-free number: 1-800-UNBELIEVABLE.


Ford Fairlane:


AKA Karma Points

Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic