Round 48 - Our one year anniversary!

This week the girls take aim at our one-year anniversary... 

This week our podcast turns one year old! We can barely believe that we have gotten this far. Tonight we will be chatting about our journey so far and what we have learned along the way. 

But first, what were we drinking?

Amy was drinking Wiley Rooster Merlot

Available from Naked wines

Sarah was drinking Point Leo Estate Rosé

Available from Point Leo Estate

Bianca was drinking Cow Bombie Cabernet Merlot

Available from Dan Murphy's

Tonight we are not following our usual format. We started with Amy giving a brief background on how we got started and we chatted about the road that led us here one year after the beginning of our podcast.

Amy then asked Sarah and Bianca what they have loved and hated about doing the podcast. 

Sarah then asked Amy and Bianca what we have learned from podcasting and it turns out it's a lot!! 

Bianca finished the episode off by asking Amy and Sarah what advice they would give to other podcasters who have just begun their own podcast journeys. Overall, be dedicated, be organised, and if you can't be either of those team up with two co-hosts who have some un-diagnosed OCD and A-type personalities. 

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who has helped us and supported us throughout our journey. We would not be here today without your love and support!

AKA Karma Points

Round 43 - Interview with Jeff Deskovic